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Exam Preview

Series: Upper Limb Prosthetics

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1.  Which of the following best describes transverse classifications of upper limb loss/deficiency?
  1. Trans-humeral, trans-radial, partial hand
  2. Forequarter, trans-tibial, wrist
  3. Ulnar, wrist, digits
  4. None of the above
2.  The role of the occupational therapist in patient education includes providing resources to which of the following:
  1. Tips on how to find a prosthetist
  2. Understanding the functional implications of the level of limb loss/deficiency
  3. Resources for psycho-social support
  4. All of the above
3.  Which best describes the factors impacting the development of new technology for amputees?
  1. War
  2. Natural disasters
  3. Development of other technologies
  4. All of the above
4.  The components of the prosthesis may include the following technologies:
  1. Terminal device
  2. Socket interface
  3. Suspension
  4. All of these
5.  Which best describes the benefit of a comprehensive OT evaluation for individuals with upper limb loss or deficiency?
  1. Ability to determine requirements of daily living tasks at home, work/school and during leisure time
  2. Opportunity to prepare for prosthetic technology
  3. Opportunity to provide education and establish peer support network
  4. All of the above
6.  Which list from the following best describes available outcomes measures for use with the adult population?
  1. The PUFI, Peds-QL and the AHA
  2. Tests of prosthesis use, tests of hand function, tests of satisfaction/QOL
  3. It is only necessary to use the DASH
  4. None of the above
7.  Which best describes the different factors involved with prosthetic management?
  1. Pre-prosthetic preparation
  2. Actual prosthetic training including skills drills and self-care tasks
  3. Refinement of skills including social integration, instrumental ADLs
  4. All of the above
8.  Pre-prosthetic preparation can include:
  1. All of the following choices
  2. Emotional readiness
  3. Physical readiness
  4. Functional readiness
9.  The components of actual prosthetic training may include the following:
  1. Care of the prosthesis, donning/doffing strategies and limb awareness for skin integrity
  2. Skills Drills to actuate all moveable componentry
  3. Functional Tasks including adaptive strategies, assistive devices or even choosing to NOT use the prosthesis for a particular task
  4. All of the above
10.  Why is understanding the specific upper limb prosthetic technologies and the controls that can be accessed important for the occupational therapist?
  1. Individuals with upper limb loss/deficiency are a niche population with diverse needs and expectations from technology
  2. It's not important; OTs receive general training and should know what to do
  3. Both A and D
  4. OTs with specific training and experience will likely better understand the componentry, their functions, the relationship of the technology relative to the amputation level and be able to discern the benefits and disadvantages and integrate use into functional tasks

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