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Upper Extremity Assessment - Elbow to Hand

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1.  Jane has a finger with the following ROM measurements. MCP 0/90, PIP -30/90, DIP -10/40. Her total active motion (TAM) in this finger is:
  1. 260 degrees
  2. 220 degrees
  3. 180 degrees
  4. 90 degrees
2.  Two tests commonly used to assess for pain at the base of the thumb are:
  1. TFCC load test and Mills test
  2. Finklestein's test and CMC grind test
  3. Pivot shift test and Moving Valgus Stress test
  4. GRIT test and Tinels
3.  Which of the following is NOT a common type of pinch strength measurement?
  1. Tripod
  2. Lateral
  3. Tip to tip
  4. Rotational
4.  Which of the following is a test of sensation?
  1. Moving 2 Point Discrimination
  2. The Ten Test
  3. Semmes Weinstein Monofilaments
  4. All of the above
5.  Please fill in the blank. The lumbricals and interossei are _________________ to the axis of rotation at the MCP joint.
  1. Dorsal
  2. Volar
  3. Lateral
  4. These muscles do not cross the MCP
6.  Joe has 70 degrees of passive PIP flexion when the MCP is held in full extension. When the MCP is flexed to 45 degrees, he loses passive flexion at the PIP and it now only has 50 degrees of flexion. The structure that is most likely adhered is:
  1. The PIP joint capsule
  2. The MCP joint capsule
  3. The extensor digitorum communis (EDC)
  4. The long flexor tendons
7.  For the case above, if PIP flexion does not change with altered position of the MCP, the structure most likely adhered would be:
  1. The PIP joint capsule
  2. The MCP joint capsule
  3. The extensor digitorum communis (EDC)
  4. The long flexor tendons
8.  The most important ligament on the lateral side of the elbow is:
  1. Annular ligament
  2. Lateral Ulnar Collateral ligament (LUCL)
  3. Radial Collateral ligament
  4. Bicipital Aponeurosis
9.  A common test described to test the important ligament above is:
  1. Milking Maneuver
  2. Moving Valgus Stress Test
  3. Lateral Pivot Shift Test
  4. Cubital tunnel test
10.  A clinical test for carpal tunnel syndrome is:
  1. Phalen's test
  2. Tinel's sign
  3. Sensibility evaluation
  4. All of the above

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