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Are You Sure It's Complex Regional Pain Syndrome?

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1.  Complex Regional Pain Syndrome is also known as:
  1. Shoulder Hand Syndrome
  2. Sudeck's Syndrome
  3. Causalgia
  4. All of the above
2.  In order to be diagnosed as CRPS based on the Budapest Criteria, a client must have symptoms in at least which of the following categories?
  1. Sensory, Edema, Vasomotor, Motor
  2. Sensory, Edema, Osteological, Dermatological
  3. Sensory, Edema, Osteological, Motor
  4. Sensory, Edema, Vasomotor, Dermatological
3.  A patient who reports that a massage lotion for sensitive skin "burns her skin" would be said to:
  1. Have mechanical allodynia
  2. Have thermal allodynia
  3. Have chemical allodynia
  4. Be exaggerating pain complaints
4.  With Type 1 CRPS, the client will present with all of the following EXCEPT:
  1. No specific incident of peripheral nerve injury
  2. Pain that follows a specific nerve distribution
  3. Pain outside of the expected level
  4. Edema
5.  The fracture most commonly associated with CRPS is:
  1. Ulnar
  2. Radial
  3. Humeral
  4. All fractures are equally associated with CRPS
6.  Statistically which of the following groups is the least likely to develop CRPS?
  1. Women
  2. Individuals with upper extremity injuries
  3. Individuals 50 years and older
  4. Children under the age of 12
7.  All of the following are concurrent therapies for CRPS EXCEPT:
  1. Pain relievers
  2. Steroids
  3. Bed rest
  4. Nerve blocks
8.  Once CRPS is suspected, the best thing for the patient is to:
  1. Immobilize the limb for 3-4 weeks
  2. Encourage rest and modalities to control pain quickly
  3. Involve the patient in functional daily activities
  4. Set the patient up for steroid injections
9.  In regards to nutrition and diet, food high in __________ have showed some promise in helping clients with CRPS.
  1. Vitamin A
  2. Vitamin B
  3. Vitamin C
  4. Vitamin E
10.  In regards to the expected outcome of CRPS, which of the following statements is true?
  1. With therapy, a patient is likely to regain 50-75% of funciton in 1-5 years
  2. Because patients with CRPS tend to have psychological issues, a full recovery is never likely
  3. With aggressive early therapy, the patient is likely to recover in 3-6 weeks
  4. In about 25% of cases, symptoms will disappear overnight

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