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Exam Preview

Executive Cognitive Functions following Traumatic Brain Injury: Rehabilitation Perspectives

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1.  Advantages of therapy groups in the treatment of executive cognitive deficits include:
  1. They provide the therapist with information on how the client is likely to interact in the larger society
  2. They provide feedback related to social interactions
  3. They promote appropriate behaviors
  4. All of the above are correct
2.  According to the presentation, assessment of the impact of executive cognitive functions on home and community participation is best done using:
  1. Basic tasks with clearly defined steps
  2. Everyday activities in unstructured settings
  3. Pencil and paper tasks such as cross word puzzles and copying tasks
  4. All of the above are equally effective
3.  According to the presentation, categories of executive cognitive functions include:
  1. Planning
  2. Spasticity
  3. Attention
  4. None of the above are correct
4.  Adult roles and activities that are heavily influenced by executive cognitive functions include:
  1. Parenting
  2. Getting and keeping a job
  3. Intimate relationships
  4. All of the above are correct
5.  According to the presentation, self-awareness deficit following TBI is commonly associated with damage to which cortical area:
  1. Frontal lobes
  2. Parietal lobes
  3. Occipital lobes
  4. Temporal lobes
6.  According to the presentation, which of the following statements are true regarding therapeutic relationship building associated with assessment and treatment of post-TBI executive dysfunction?
  1. A trusting, unconditional professional relationship facilitates client participation in challenging activities involving risk of failure
  2. A trusting, unconditional professional relationship creates suspiciousness and a reduced willingness of clients to participate in challenging activities involving risk of failure
  3. Therapeutic relationship building is an unnecessary stepin brain injury relationship
  4. None of the above are correct
7.  According to the presentation, general features of rehabilitation for executive cognitive functions include:
  1. Including family members / caregivers in the rehabilitation program
  2. Building incentives into the program to facilitate motivation
  3. Improving client self-awareness through participation in challenging daily tasks
  4. All of the above
8.  A common method of evaluating the existence of self-awareness deficits involves:
  1. Reviewing medical records to determine severity of injury
  2. Determining the appropriate level of cognitive recovery based upon the Rancho Scales
  3. Comparing client self-report of impairments and functional limitations with those of persons familiar with the client (i.e. therapist, family, and/or caregiver)
  4. All of the above are correct
9.  Characteristic behaviors of individuals with impaired executive cognitive functions include:
  1. Overestimates abilities
  2. Decreased awareness of the needs and feelings of others
  3. Unrealistic planning for the future
  4. All of the above are correct
10.  According to the presentation, OT practitioners should be especially cognizant of the fact that:
  1. High levels of client dissatisfaction may be a necessary precursor to functional progress
  2. Clients making improvements in self-awareness are prone to emotional distress
  3. Rehabilitation and recovery may be complicated by psychological denial, a coping mechanism
  4. All of the above are correct