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Occupational therapy perspectives: Yoga based interventions to reduce symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder

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1.  An environment that is calming to the amygdala might include:
  1. Sensory stimulating loud, smelly environment.
  2. Calm therapist, organized environment, with clear exits.
  3. Unexpected sounds and interruptions.
  4. Disorganized environment.
2.  Occupational therapist provides treatment in a trauma informed manner by
  1. Approaching person calmly and from within visual field.
  2. Providing treatment instructions quickly. Not allowing for adequate processing of information prior to giving more instructions.
  3. Placing an eye pillow on person without permission during relaxation pose in yoga.
  4. Silently approaching the person from behind without announcing presence.
3.  The freeze response is characterized by:
  1. Difficulty speaking.
  2. Taking action.
  3. Rapid movement.
  4. Making quick decisions.
4.  Post traumatic growth is
  1. Characterized by dissociation and disengagement in life.
  2. A return to baseline level
  3. An experience in life that is deeply meaningful following challenging life circumstance.
  4. All of the above
5.  Occupational therapists can guide people to facilitate balance in the central nervous system by:
  1. Instructing person that yoga is the only method to achieve relaxation.
  2. Educating person on the stress and relaxation response.
  3. Identifying practices that facilitate relaxation response.
  4. Guiding person into developing healthy habits, and routines for practices they have chosen.
  5. B,C, and D.
6.  Indicate what an occupational therapist can do in treatment for a person experiencing a recent major traumatic event:
  1. Encourage support system with family, friends or others.
  2. Guide a person into performing activities of daily living.
  3. Instruct in new or adaptive way if unable to perform life task.
  4. Provide opportunities for meaningful activity where person is engaged mind & body.
  5. All of the above.
7.  DSM: V description for PTSD includes:
  1. Pre-school subset for children 6 and younger
  2. Indicates that exposure to the threat must always be direct.
  3. Includes Dissociative sub type of PTSD
  4. A and C
8.  Post traumatic stress disorder is typically NOT characterized by:
  1. hypervigilance
  2. hyperarousal
  3. Intrusive thoughts
  4. Ability to sleep easily
9.  The fight or flight response is NOT characterized by:
  1. Release of adrenaline
  2. Elevation in blood pressure and pulse.
  3. Blood fueling the digestive system
  4. Sharper sensory system
10.  The Relaxation Response does NOT
  1. create a physical state of deep rest.
  2. change the physical and emotional response to stress.
  3. Increase arousal of the sympathetic nervous system.
  4. Increase arousal of the parasympathetic nervous system.