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Exam Preview

Interventions to Promote Family Quality of Life

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1.  The PEO model refers to:
  1. Person - Environment - Occupation
  2. Prevention - Evaluation - Outcomes
  3. Participation - Enjoyment - Opportunity
  4. Parents - External - Objective
2.  According to the presentation, what is true about the use of occupations?
  1. Occupations can be used as treatment
  2. Occupations can be used as outcome measures
  3. Occupations help to establish habits & routines that support participation
  4. All of the above
3.  Over the last decade, the prevalence of developmental disabilities has grown by
  1. About 23%
  2. Over 50%
  3. 17%
  4. 10 fold
4.  The PEO model conceptualizes intervention as
  1. Focusing on the dynamic interaction among the client/person, the areas of occupation and the environmental context
  2. Focusing on the environment as a contextual influence on the client/person
  3. Focusing on the child within the context of the family
  4. Focusing on occupational engagement
5.  Family interaction, Parenting, Emotional/Physical Well-being, Material Well-being, and Support for Person with a Disability are:
  1. Factors that influence individual quality of life
  2. Factors that influence family quality of life
  3. Factors that influence parental quality of life
  4. Factors that influence child quality of life
6.  Which of the following is an example of an occupation related to family quality of life?
  1. attending religious services
  2. having a meal together
  3. going out for a movie
  4. all of the above
7.  The WISER approach was discussed in the webinar – which of the following would be an example of the “R”?
  1. An OT interviews the father to learn about the family time expenditures.
  2. The mother reports problems related to sleep and meal time participation.
  3. The therapist makes a plan for the family with which to reduce stress and improve wellness.
  4. The therapist pauses after evaluating client progress and family quality of life to reflect on and make notes about working strategies the family discovered with the plan to share these strategies with other families in the clinic.
8.  Based on the 5 approaches to intervention suggested by the presenter, which approach does a therapist use when educating parents about sensory sensitivities?
  1. The compensation approach
  2. The family training approach
  3. The rehabilitation approach
  4. The 'change the task' approach
9.  Based on the 5 approaches to intervention suggested by the presenter, which approach does a therapist use when addressing an underlying deficit in the client’s sensory processing ability to reduce hypersensitivity?
  1. An adaptive technology approach
  2. A rehabilitative approach
  3. A family training approach
  4. A change the task approach
10.  Based on the 5 approaches to intervention suggested by the presenter, which approach does a therapist use when providing noise cancelling headphones for a child with sound hypersensitivities?
  1. The assistive technology approach
  2. The family training approach
  3. The rehabilitative approach
  4. The 'change the task' approach