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Exam Preview

Sensory Strategies: Sanity Restoration for Family Life - Part 3

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1.  The last part of a WISE approach is often the one most commonly overlooked. Which of the following is the last approach?
  1. The selection of an optimal strategy
  2. Investing time in selecting the correct toy for intervention
  3. Ability to make friends and get along with others
  4. Taking time to evaluate whether or not you solved the intended problem
2.  Which term is used to describe the subtype of sensory processing disorder where a child has behavioral responses to sensory input that are of a greater intensity and for a longer period of time than that of most other children their age?
  1. Sensory over-responsiveness
  2. Sensory under-responsiveness
  3. Sensory immaturity
  4. Sensation avoiding
3.  Also referred to as poor registration, a child with which of the following sensory profiles passively responds to sensory stimuli or disregards the sensory information?
  1. Sensory over-responsiveness
  2. Sensory under-responsiveness
  3. Sensory immaturity
  4. Sensation avoiding
4.  Individuals who are perhaps distant from others and prefer to unwind in private are considered to be _______.
  1. Introverts
  2. Extroverts
  3. Classically conditioned
  4. Operationally defined
5.  Differentiation of learning defines a teaching strategy where _________.
  1. Learners are given easier material than an same aged peer to compensate for learning deficits
  2. Learners are given learning activities that have the same learning goals but use more learner-centric material at the just right level
  3. Learners write their own objectives
  4. Learners learn in enriched, hands-on experiences
6.  Several strategies were offered in this presentation to help a child with sensory under-responsivity improve focus for homework. Which of the following would be an additional strategy i.e. part of a sensory diet?
  1. Recommend jumping jacks while practicing math facts
  2. Provide slow rocking opportunities
  3. Suggest quiet melodic music (such as Brahms Lullaby)
  4. A warm drink such as warm cider
7.  Receptors that provide a sensation from our organs (heart rate, respiration, et al) are referred to as ___________.
  1. Proprioception
  2. Myonoception
  3. Interoception
  4. Habits and routines
8.  Outcomes of adequate sensory integration include:
  1. Modulation, self-regulation and self-esteem
  2. The ability to tolerate all sensation in any level of intensity
  3. The ability to notice any sensation regardless of intensity
  4. Organization of sensation for the classroom
9.  Problems from stress include all of the following EXCEPT:
  1. Wellness
  2. Depression
  3. Anxiety
  4. Immune disorders
10.  Goals of a sensory diet include which of the following?
  1. Improve ability to modulate sensory input (decrease sensory defensiveness)
  2. Improve sensory modulation and discrimination
  3. Improve sensory discrimination in order to enhance body awareness
  4. All of the above