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Exam Preview

Fieldwork Education: Cultural Considerations for the Clinical Educator

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1.  Which interpersonal skills are essential for the clinical educator when dealing with a culturally sensitive situation?
  1. Emotional intelligence
  2. Empathy/sympathy
  3. Contextual awareness
  4. All of the above
2.  Which of the following is NOT a component of attitudes?
  1. Cognitive
  2. Affective
  3. Negative
  4. Behavioral
3.  Which is an appropriate response to a student's request for time off related to religious observation?
  1. "This facility does not tolerate religious observance"
  2. "There is no time in the daily schedule for that, sorry"
  3. "Let's discuss how we can incorporate your request throughout your rotation"
  4. "That is not acceptable, you're here to do a job"
4.  Which is NOT a barrier to cultural inclusion within professional practice?
  1. Health inequalities
  2. Attitudinal barriers
  3. Professional AOTA policies
  4. Demographics
5.  Which statement describes the concept of cultural safety?
  1. Entails the trust and safety a client experiences when treated with respect and understanding in correlation to their culture, beliefs and attitudes
  2. Entails security being called when a patient is enforcing their culture into the treatment session
  3. Entails taking all precautions when engaging in fieldwork supervision to assure your student feels culturally safe
  4. Entails negating your own culture and beliefs and attitudes in order to build trust and empower clients during rendering of services
6.  Which is NOT a self-development skill as a practitioner when engaging in cultural awareness during fieldwork supervision?
  1. Self-reflection
  2. Self-critique
  3. Professional development
  4. Minimal clinical supervision
7.  What is NOT a holiday on the US calendar inclusive to religious observance?
  1. Mothers day
  2. Eid al-Adha (Islamic)
  3. Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year)
  4. Easter (Christian)
8.  Which may NOT be considered an acceptable culturally worn garment during fieldwork supervision?
  1. Hijab
  2. Kippot- Yarmulkes
  3. Turbans
  4. Tiara
9.  A fieldwork student requests time off during the week for weekly religious observance, how would you respond?
  1. "Let's discuss the request with your fieldwork coordinator and come up with a plan to make up the time"
  2. "This is not part of your fieldwork experience"
  3. "Bring me a letter from your priest and I'll consider it"
  4. "No"
10.  An OT encounters his/her fieldwork student conversing with a patient in Spanish during treatment. Which is an appropriate response on the part of the OT to the fieldwork student?
  1. Please converse only in English
  2. Please converse in a language that everyone can understand
  3. It's great you can communicate to the client in their native tongue, however we may have to seek an official language interpreter if discussing personal treatment related information
  4. Please refrain from speaking in Spanish as I do not understand what your saying