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Exam Preview

Innovations in Geriatric Care: Human Trafficking; Identification and Prevention (Day 2)

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1.  Trafficking in persons can involve all of the following EXCEPT:
  1. A better life abroad than what the person previously had
  2. Abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability
  3. Forced labor/forced prostitution
  4. Involuntary servitude or slavery-like conditions
2.  People are recruited into trafficking through which of the following methods:
  1. False job promise (e.g. through advertisements in the newspapers)
  2. False invitation abroad
  3. False travel arrangements
  4. All of the above
3.  Which of these is true about victims, once they find themselves in the middle of the trafficking process:
  1. It is easy to control it and escape when they choose to do so.
  2. They are often kept locked in their accommodations during the day and are forced into prostitution at night.
  3. They are treated kindly and with respect.
  4. They are almost never physically abused.
4.  Which of these is NOT one of the core sections of the definition of trafficking?
  1. The location
  2. The action or act
  3. The means
  4. The power
5.  In the United States, forced labor or labor trafficking is found in which of the following economic sectors?
  1. Agriculture
  2. Factories
  3. Restaurant and hotel work
  4. All of the above
6.  Which of these is NOT a general strategy for recruitment?
  1. Newspaper want ads
  2. Kidnapping
  3. Targeting poor families
  4. Fake or legal storefronts
7.  Which of these is NOT a short- or long-term consequence of human trafficking?
  1. Post-traumatic stress disorder
  2. Financial stability
  3. Fear, anxiety, nervousness
  4. Substance abuse
8.  When rescued and attempting to reintegrate into their communities, victims of human trafficking experience which of the following?
  1. Stigma and marginalization
  2. Difficulty establishing normal trusting relationships with others
  3. An inability to perform basic ADL and IADL skills
  4. All of the above
9.  Red flags of human trafficking include all of the following EXCEPT:
  1. Someone is claiming to speak for, or on behalf of a victim
  2. Exhibits behaviors including "hyper-vigilance", fear, anxiety, depression
  3. Makes eye contact
  4. False identification papers
10.  What should you do if you identify a victim of human trafficking?
  1. Be sensitive as every case is different
  2. Do not place yourself or the individual in danger
  3. Call the police
  4. All of the above