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Exam Preview

Power of Play

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1.  What are the benefits of play?
  1. Play experiences provide learning opportunities
  2. Play sparks creativity and curiosity
  3. Play fosters self-esteem
  4. All of the above
2.  Young children learn best through play that is _________________.
  1. Forced upon the child
  2. Required at certain times of day
  3. Relevant and meaningful to the child's life
  4. Measured by a certain academic standard
3.  What are the connections between brain development and play during the early years?
  1. Play is essential for healthy development
  2. All healthy young mammals play
  3. The early games and play equip young children for the skills they will need later in life
  4. All of the above
4.  Which one does NOT describe a type of play?
  1. Active play
  2. Electronics and playground play
  3. Child-directed play
  4. Social play
5.  What is the difference between object play and social play?
  1. Object play refers to how children play with toys; social play refers to how children play with other people.
  2. Object play refers to how children play outside; social play refers to engaging with animals.
  3. Object play refers to engaging with electronics; social play refers to how children behave in isolation.
  4. Object play refers to how children engage with family members; social play refers to how children engage in the arts.
6.  Which response best describes an example of Active Play?
  1. Child sits on the floor and waits for an adult to initiate the activity
  2. Child listens to animal sounds on the IPad or IPhone
  3. Child makes music by banging wooden spoons on pots and pans
  4. Child pushes a button to hear music on a battery operated toy
7.  Which of the following is a stage of Object Play?
  1. Random and exploratory play
  2. Cause and effect play
  3. Purposeful and functional play
  4. All of the above
8.  What occurs during the 6th stage of Object Play, also called "Imaginative and Themed Play"?
  1. Child pretends to be something - takes on different roles (dress up, etc)
  2. Babies reach and grasp for people and toys
  3. Child plays purposefully with an object
  4. Child facilitates gross and fine motor skill development
9.  Which responses are included in the stages of social play?
  1. Parallel play
  2. Solitary play
  3. Play with adults
  4. All of the above
10.  Successful play is all about the __________________.
  1. Teacher
  2. Parent
  3. Relationship
  4. Pets