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Exam Preview

Returning To Activity Following Concussion

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1.  Which of the following factors may affect recovery time?
  1. Severity and duration of symptoms
  2. Age and gender
  3. History of previous concussion
  4. All of the above
2.  What is the average recovery time from symptoms following concussion?
  1. 1-3 days
  2. 7-10 days
  3. 30 days
  4. 3 months
3.  Complete cognitive rest is usually recommended for how long after the initial injury?
  1. 12-24 hours
  2. 24-48 hours
  3. 3 days
  4. 1 week
4.  Which of the following is a guiding principle of recovery for returning to activity following concussion?
  1. Initial cognitive rest
  2. Avoid activities that exacerbate symptoms
  3. Adapt environment and activities
  4. All of the above
5.  An occupational profile should be completed during the initial evaluation. Which of the following assessments can be used to obtain an occupational profile?
  1. Occupational Self-Assessment
  2. Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire
  3. Cognitive Functional Evaluation
  4. Montreal Cognitive Assessment
6.  Which of the following occupational profiles can be used to assess the clients perception of performance and satisfaction with areas of occupational performance identified as being a problem?
  1. AOTA Occupational Profile Template
  2. Occupational Performance History Interview
  3. Activity Card Sort
  4. Canadian Occupational Performance Measure
7.  Which of the following could be used to assess performance-based cognition?
  1. Test of Everyday Attention
  2. Executive Function Performance Test
  3. Activity Card Sort
  4. Montreal Cognitive Assessment
8.  Which of the following return to work interventions involves promoting access to services, coordinating services, and educating employers?
  1. Job coaching
  2. Grading activities
  3. Resource facilitation
  4. Cognitive skill training
9.  A client reports increased sleepiness, fatigue, and trouble falling sleep. The occupational therapist should provide education for all of the following strategies regarding sleep hygiene EXCEPT?
  1. Take 2-3 hour naps as needed until symptoms subside
  2. Avoid watching TV or playing on electronics while in bed
  3. Establish a bedtime routine
  4. Decrease lighting in the room
10.  Which of the following accommodations may be useful for helping a student who is experiencing difficulty concentrating to return to the classroom?
  1. Extension of assignments
  2. Extended time to take tests/exams
  3. Quiet room for test/exams
  4. All of the above