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Exam Preview

The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Approach to Eating Disorders

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1.  The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy treatment approach may be used to treat all of the following EXCEPT:
  1. Anxiety disorders
  2. Chronic fatigue
  3. The sedated patient
  4. Anger management
2.  In the treatment of eating disorders, the occupational therapists role does NOT include:
  1. Provide a safe setting where the person with ED can engage in multi sensory activities via doing
  2. Identify the source of a clients relationship with food and weight
  3. Force the client to initiate meal prep tasks within the first week regardless if the client is fearful of being around food
  4. Provide experiential sessions to practice coping skills and distress tolerance
3.  Getting rid of excess calories through self vomiting, laxatives, stimulants, water fasting is best described as an example of
  1. Bingeing
  2. Purging
  3. Self torture
  4. Rumination
4.  Assessing the clients motivations for treatment is done at what stage?
  1. The initial assessment
  2. The initial assessment and throughout every treatment session
  3. The last treatment session
  4. Occupational therapists do not assess a client with an ED's motivation
5.  During the initial assessment, you are gathering information from the client which includes:
  1. How long the problem has been going on for
  2. Any perceived obstacles
  3. What other co-existing medical problems the client may have
  4. All of the above
6.  Continuous restrictive eating and malnutrition result in pervasive disturbances of most organ systems including:
  1. Cardiovascular system, Endocrine disorder, Gastrointestinal complications
  2. Metabolic alterations
  3. Cardiovascular, Endocrine, Gastrointestinal and metabolic alterations
  4. None of the above
7.  Referring to the Transtheoretical Model of Change, once a client is "ready to take action/change" and are gathering knowledge on how to start, they are in this stage
  1. Contemplation
  2. Preparation
  3. Precontemplation
  4. Action
8.  A client with ED fears checking their weight and body shape in their therapist's office. Graduated exposure involves a structured approach where a person learns a relaxation technique first that can be used in each step of exposure. Another name for this is:
  1. Operant conditioning
  2. Systemic desensitization
  3. Phobia grading
  4. Sensory stimulation
9.  The following treatment technique is best described as a technique designed to address faulty cognitions about weight, diet and shape:
  1. Socratic questioning
  2. Cognitive distortions
  3. Cognitive restructuring
  4. Exposure therapy
10.  Which of the following is a common comorbidity for Anorexia Nervosa?
  1. Obsessive compulsive disorder
  2. Anxiety disorder
  3. Depression
  4. All of the above