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Exam Preview

Yoga Therapeutics to Cultivate a Sustainable Core

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1.  Clinically, neutral spine can be found or measured by:
  1. Using a dowel or broomstick, in sitting or standing, to check if the three bony landmarks touch the pole, while honoring the neutral lordotic curves as space
  2. In hook-lying, using a foam roller to check if the three bony landmarks touch the roller while honoring the neutral lordotic curves as space
  3. In sitting, standing, or hook-lying, finding neutral pelvis, and then lining up the thorax and head like a snow-person
  4. All of the above
2.  According to Sapsford, et. al., pelvic floor muscle activity in different sitting postures in continent and incontinent women:
  1. Decreased activity of the pelvic floor muscles was associated with reduced lumbar lordosis
  2. Lumbar alignment had no impact on pelvic floor muscle recruitment
  3. Sitting versus standing posture showed significant difference in pelvic floor muscle recruitment
  4. None of the above
3.  Which of the following key muscle groups does this presenter suggest are often over-recruited in stressful tasks:
  1. Pelvic Floor, Deep Abdominals, and Scapular Stabilizers
  2. Hip Flexors and Hip "Hikers" (Quadratus Lumborum)
  3. Scapular Elevators, Accessory Muscles of Inspiration
  4. B & C are correct
4.  What are some signs and symptoms that may show that a client or patient is not recruiting their core muscles sustainably?
  1. Strained voice or breathing sounds
  2. Hypertonic and/or fibrotic scapular elevators and scalene muscles
  3. Breath holding as a core stabilization strategy
  4. All of the above
5.  Which of the following core muscle recruitment strategies are sustainable:
  1. Valsalva Maneuver (increasing intra-abdominal pressure, or IAP)
  2. Recruiting scapular elevator and protractor muscles
  3. TATD breathing
  4. Breath holding
6.  Which of the following muscle groups are NOT considered part of the sustainable core (spinal stabilization) strategy:
  1. Scalenes
  2. Pelvic Floor Muscles
  3. Deep Abdominal Muscles
  4. Scapular Stabilizers
7.  Which of the following breath patterns requires the least amount of metabolic energy to perform, is performed in supine and the TVA remains relaxed?
  1. Dirga Pranayama (3-part) breath
  2. Abdomino-Diaphragmacti (Belly) breath
  3. Lateral Costal (TATD) breath
  4. Ujjayi (Victorious) breath
8.  Which of the following breathing exercises requires mild tension in the TVA, the base of the rib cage expands like an umbrella and the central tendon is stabilized?
  1. Abdomino-Diaphragmatic (Belly) breath
  2. Thoraco-Diaphragmatic Breath
  3. Ujjayi (Victorious) breath
  4. None of the above
9.  Which breathing pattern could therapeutically increase the thoracic volume and stretch the thoracic soft tissue over time?
  1. Abdomino-Diaphragmatic (Belly) breath
  2. Alternate nostril breathing (Nadi Shodhana)
  3. Ujjayi (Victorious) breath
  4. Dirga Pranayama (3-part) breath
10.  Which type(s) of breathing focuses on expanding the Respiratory Diaphragm Muscle?
  1. Abdomino-Diaphragmatic (Belly) breath
  2. Lateral Thoracic or TATD breath
  3. Wide, Pilates, Band, and Umbrella breaths
  4. All of the above