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Exam Preview

Perspectives on Yoga Inputs in the Management of Chronic Pain

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1.  Which of the following is NOT a pain theory?
  1. Strong's Theory
  2. Bartel's Theory
  3. Intensive Theory
  4. Pattern Theory
2.  Chronic pain affects an individual's:
  1. Personal relationships
  2. Work habits/skills
  3. IADL/Self Care
  4. All of the above
3.  The Neuromatrix of Pain:
  1. Is a theory to explain nature of pain
  2. Includes chronic pain
  3. The brain and spinal cord are what produce pain, not tissue damage.
  4. All of the above
4.  Trauma impacts chronic pain because:
  1. Traumatic events are experienced the same way for everyone
  2. Past pain can make you more sensitive to future pain
  3. Once the trauma is over the pain ends
  4. Utilizes the brain mechanism to produce a resting response
5.  People who have chronic pain often experience:
  1. Repeated states of euphoria
  2. An easier time applying for disability
  3. Fear of re-injury and future pain
  4. Guilt from lying about their pain
6.  Who is best suited to manage pain?
  1. Physician
  2. Client
  3. Occupational Therapist
  4. Physical Therapist
7.  In regards to contraindications for use of yoga with clients experiencing chronic pain:
  1. There are no contraindications
  2. Yoga is contraindicated
  3. Physical postures are contraindicated
  4. Breath work is contraindicated
8.  Pranyama or Yogic Breath practices:
  1. Do not change the physiology or EEG patterns
  2. Do not reduce stress or pain
  3. Are increased and enhanced by adding in breath sounds
  4. Do not support diaphragmatic breathing
9.  The restorative yoga postures shown for chronic pain include ALL EXCEPT:
  1. Eagle pose
  2. Nesting pose
  3. Supported bound angle pose
  4. Supported forward bend
10.  All of the following is a form of yoga EXCEPT:
  1. Pranayama
  2. Nidra
  3. Pilates
  4. Restorative