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Exam Preview

Infant Mental Health

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1.  At what age do infants first show evidence of recognizing and responding only to a specific caregiver?
  1. 3 months
  2. 6 months
  3. 9 months
  4. 12 months
2.  What is the goal of the attachment system?
  1. Caregiver attunement
  2. Infant attunement
  3. Closeness to the caregiver so that the infant feels secure
  4. Caregiver feels secure
3.  A secure or insecure attachment is formed when
  1. An infant's individual responses make up particular patterns over time
  2. An infant's individual responses are inconsistent
  3. A caregiver's individual responses are inconsistent
  4. A caregiver's individual responses make up particular patterns over time
4.  A secure attachment has
  1. Off-cue caring
  2. Erratic caring
  3. Reciprocal interactions
  4. Inconsistent interactions
5.  Therapeutic use of self in relationship promotes
  1. Disorganized intervention
  2. Inhibited interaction
  3. Reflection and introspection
  4. Ambivalent behavior
6.  Which of Delair's behaviors should the occupational therapist encourage?
  1. Reciprocal play
  2. Toy selection
  3. Time out
  4. Verbalizing
7.  What is an alternative intervention for Delair and Dell Jr.?
  1. Continue role modeling
  2. Exploring why Delair is angry
  3. Suggest that Delair respond by holding Dell Jr.
  4. Explore Dell Jr.'s sensory issues
8.  A disorganized pattern of attachment leads to
  1. Unsafe interactions
  2. Unresponsive interactions
  3. Inconsistent interactions
  4. Reciprocal interactions
9.  Other than gazing and crying, what is one of Joeys attachment behaviors in the case of Joey?
  1. Fidgeting
  2. Watching
  3. Moving
  4. Kicking
10.  A reasonable definition of infant mental health always includes:
  1. Sensory health
  2. Motor skills
  3. Performance skills
  4. Psychological health