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Exam Preview

Management of Pediatric Incontinence

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1.  Which of the following is accurate regarding the role of encoporesis in urinary incontinence?
  1. Encoporesis refers to an over stretching of the bladder, leading to difficulty in fully emptying and therefore overflow incontinence.
  2. Encoporesis refers to an over stretching of the rectum, leading to compression of the bladder and overflow incontinence with lack of urge sensation.
  3. Encoporesis refers to a spasm of the bladder.
  4. Encoporesis refers to a spasm of the rectum.
2.  At which of the below ages would a child with nocturia likely be sent for therapy due developmentally being considered old enough to be expected to be able to have night control?
  1. 7
  2. 5
  3. 3
  4. 1
3.  Which of the following statements is true with regards to nocturia?
  1. Bedwetting is usually a behavioral issue and best addressed with a shame or punishment based approach
  2. Bedwetting is more likely in children with constipation, so screening for and addressing constipation is an important part of care
  3. Bed alarms are the best first approach for children who are experiencing bedwetting
  4. Bedwetting is always the result of drinking too much right before bed, so limiting night fluids is the best answer
4.  Which of the following is NOT a common comorbidity which may need to be screened in children who are experiencing night time enuresis?
  1. Obstructive sleep disorder
  2. Diabetes
  3. Migraine
  4. Depression
5.  Which of the following was a suggested dietary modification for children experiencing dysfunctional voiding?
  1. Limiting fluid intake to half the child's normal volume to limit leaking.
  2. Primarily eating white foods to decrease bladder irritability
  3. Adding leafy green vegetables to all 3 meals daily to improve overall digestive health
  4. Encouraging children/caregivers to "eat the rainbow" each day to increase fiber intake.
6.  Which of the following was NOT suggested as a toileting technique to assist children in fully emptying?
  1. Attempting a bowel movement within 10 minutes of each meal each day
  2. Elevating feet on a stool to assist with full emptying of the rectum
  3. Singing, blowing bubbles, or playing a kazoo while attempting to have a bowel movement
  4. Widening legs while seated on the toilet
7.  What is the reason to teach caregivers abdominal massage in children with dysfunctional voiding patterns?
  1. Pushes stool through digestive system to decrease constipation
  2. Downregulates central nervous system, allowing the body to be in parasympathetic mode for improved bowel and bladder function
  3. Improves parent-child communication with regards to bodily needs and functions
  4. Produces a bowel movement within 20 minutes
8.  Which of the following exercises was studied in children with daytime enuresis as a single intervention which produced significant changes in leakage?
  1. Squats
  2. Cat/camel
  3. Duck walks
  4. Planks
9.  Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding the role of aerobic exercise in this population?
  1. Aerobic exercise leads to sweating, which can increase thirst and therefore drinking, so should be avoided
  2. Aerobic exercise helps stimulate peristalsis, which can decrease or eliminate constipation, so should be encouraged
  3. Aerobic exercise does not impact bowel and bladder function, but is good for the child's overall health, so should be encouraged
  4. Aerobic exercise can help address obesity, which is the main cause of daytime wetting in children, so should be encouraged.
10.  Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of extraordinary daytime frequency?
  1. Urinating >8 times per day
  2. Voiding less than half expected volume for age
  3. More common in boys
  4. Excessive fluid intake