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Exam Preview

Visual Deficits in Brain Injury: The Adult Neurological Perspective

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1.  Reduced visual acuity could be because of:
  1. Age-related eye disease
  2. Brain injury
  3. Neurological conditions
  4. All of the above
2.  Which is NOT a part of the anterior structure of the eye?
  1. Cornea
  2. Optic radiation
  3. Lens
  4. Iris
3.  The hallmark symptom of a binocular vision disorder is
  1. Diplopia or double vision
  2. A visual field deficit
  3. Unilateral neglect
  4. Visual hallucinations
4.  The eyes drifting upwards and difficulty looking down to read indicate the involvement of:
  1. Optic nerve
  2. Oculomotor nerve
  3. Trochlear nerve
  4. Abducens nerve
5.  If a patient misses seeing an EXIT sign to their left located overhead, it could be because of
  1. Left Superior Quadrantanopia
  2. Left Homonymous Hemianopia
  3. Left unilateral neglect
  4. All of the above
6.  Letter cancellation tasks involving scanning when used as a treatment modality is an example of
  1. Improving visual acuity
  2. Improving contrast sensitivity function
  3. Convergence training
  4. Saccade exercise
7.  Brightness at the working surface can be increased by
  1. Increasing the wattage of the light source
  2. Choosing the correct type of light bulb
  3. Bringing the light source closer to the surface
  4. All of the above
8.  Visual search and scanning training is NOT effective as a treatment modality in which of the following
  1. Visual field deficits
  2. Poor contrast sensitivity function
  3. Unilateral neglect
  4. Oculomotor deficits
9.  Using White on Black or Black on Yellow font as intervention, is an example of
  1. Minimizing glare
  2. Maximizing contrast
  3. Increasing text size
  4. Scanning
10.  Which one of the following is a disorder of spatial exploration, orientation, and cognition?
  1. Diabetic retinopathy
  2. Myocardial Infarction
  3. Muscular Dystrophy
  4. Unilateral Neglect