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Examination And Assessment For The Upper Extremity: Part 2

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1.  The Kapandji test measures:
  1. Thumb CMC motion
  2. Arterial patency
  3. Discriminatory sensation
  4. Opposition
2.  You are testing passive flexion of the DIP joint of a finger with the PIP joint held fully extended. You note that the DIP joint is tight with the PIP extended and has increased flexion with the PIP flexed. This examination is assessing the:
  1. Volar plate
  2. Oblique retinacular ligament
  3. Lateral bands
  4. Central slip of the extensor tendon
3.  You want to assess the usefulness of your patient’s available sensibility, and decide to perform a functional sensory test. You would use:
  1. 2-point discrimination
  2. Moberg pick up test
  3. Ninhydrin sweat test
  4. Semmes-Weinstein monofilament test
4.  A meaningful outcome measure for the upper extremity population is:
  1. Functional Dexterity Test
  2. The DASH
  3. Digital AROM that allows a patient to grasp a tool
  4. All of the above
5.  In the progression of sensory recovery, which of the listed skills returns first:
  1. Static touch
  2. Localization to touch
  3. 30 cps vibration
  4. Pain/temperature
6.  A functional measurement to assess composite digital flexion is:
  1. Fingertip to distal palmar crease
  2. PIP flexion with the goniometer
  3. DIP flexion with goniometer
  4. Total active motion
7.  If the PIP joint motion is greater with the MP flexed than with it extended, this would indicate:
  1. Joint contracture of the PIP
  2. Intrinsic muscle tightness
  3. Extrinsic extensor tightness
  4. Intrinsic muscle weakness
8.  In the hierarchy of sensibility testing, the highest level is:
  1. Quantification
  2. Sympathetic
  3. Discrimination
  4. Identification
9.  With 2 point discrimination testing, all are TRUE EXCEPT:
  1. Use enough pressure to blanch the skin
  2. You need 7 of 10 correct responses to be accurate
  3. The points should be parallel to the skin
  4. You should use a random order when testing
10.  A standardized test for in hand manipulation is:
  1. Nine Hole Peg Test
  2. Functional Dexterity Test
  3. Box and Block Test
  4. The Bennett Hand Tool Test