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Exam Preview

Supporting Victims of Domestic Violence through Trauma-Informed Practice

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1.  The definition of domestic violence includes 3 key elements. What are they?
  1. Honeymoon phase, tension, and explosion
  2. Love, hurt, and healing
  3. An intimate relationship, abusive tactics, and pattern of behaviors
  4. Mutual respect, partnership, and disruption
2.  What are two severe health consequences of domestic violence that are frequently undiagnosed and not screened for?
  1. Strangulation and traumatic brain injury
  2. Broken bones and old wounds
  3. Black eyes and bloody nose
  4. High blood pressure and hypertension
3.  Healthcare providers may see long-term health impacts of domestic violence, including:
  1. Chronic neck and jaw pain
  2. Migraine headaches, nerve trauma
  3. Lip and tongue injuries
  4. All of the above
4.  The 4 R’s that define a trauma-informed approach in a program, organization, or system is one that:
  1. Realizes, refers, refrains, and readjusts
  2. Realizes, returns, rescues, and reduces
  3. Realizes, recognizes, responds, and resists re-traumatization
  4. Realizes, reacts, reaffirms, and regulates
5.  A trauma-informed approach that “realizes”, means that programs, organizations, and systems do what?
  1. Realize the widespread impact of trauma and understands potential paths for recovery
  2. Realize that domestic violence is a private matter that should not be discussed
  3. Realize that people will recover from their trauma on their own
  4. Realize that only mental health providers should address trauma
6.  The “C” in the CUES model represents what for patient care?
  1. Compassion
  2. Confidentiality
  3. Concern
  4. Critical
7.  In the CUES model, what does "UE - Universal Education" address?
  1. Healthy relationships
  2. Unhealthy relationships
  3. Health consequences of domestic violence
  4. All of the above
8.  A trauma-informed practice seeks to connect with survivors of abuse in many ways, including:
  1. Talking about healthy relationships and handing out safety palm cards to all patients
  2. Hanging resource posters in the clinic, exam rooms, and bathrooms
  3. Validating survivor experiences and helping to de-stigmatize domestic violence
  4. All of the above
9.  Mandatory reporting of domestic violence may have unintended, harmful consequences for survivors of domestic violence. What is the best approach to supporting victims and handling these cases?
  1. Contact law enforcement in every situation just to be safe
  2. Implement the CUES model and promote survivor autonomy
  3. Call social services so they can address this issue with the survivor
  4. Tell survivors they cannot come back until they have left their abusive partner
10.  Victim advocates are available to support survivors through which of the following resources?
  1. StrongHearts Native Helpline
  2. ADWAS: Abused Deaf Women’s Advocacy Services
  3. National Domestic Violence Hotline
  4. All of the above