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Current Topics in Upper Limb Loss and Difference: OT for Targeted Muscle Reinnervation and Pattern Recognition Control

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1.  The advantages of TMR include:
  1. Additional control signals for simultaneous control of more DOFs
  2. Control signals are physiologically appropriate
  3. Can use existing myoelectric prosthetic technology
  4. All of the above
2.  A disadvantage of TMR is:
  1. Requires additional surgery unless done at the time of amputation
  2. Only performed in a research setting
  3. Can only be done for prosthetic control
  4. Can only be performed for pain control
3.  In the transhumeral TMR example, what muscle was used for hand close?
  1. Medial and long triceps
  2. Lateral triceps
  3. Lateral biceps
  4. Medial biceps
4.  The following is used as a biological amplifier of the motor command in TMR.
  1. Nerve
  2. Muscle
  3. Bone
  4. Fat
5.  Pattern recognition is different than direct control in the following way:
  1. Depends on isolated muscle contractions
  2. Requires mode switching
  3. Utilizes the EMG “picture” from multiple muscles
  4. There is no difference between pattern recognition and direct control
6.  According to the study by Kuiken, Schultz, and Barlow (2013) for TMR OT progression, what is done 3-4 weeks after surgery?
  1. Evaluation of shoulder, posture, functional ability with prosthesis and without
  2. Begin motor imagery
  3. Strengthen signals & rebuild muscle bulk
  4. Ensure optimal control of interim prosthesis
7.  Pattern recognition and TMR are best utilized together:
  1. When the goal is to control a more complex prosthesis
  2. Never
  3. All the time
  4. When the goal is to control a body powered prosthesis
8.  The key concepts of pattern recognition include:
  1. Repeatable movements
  2. Understanding of calibration sequence
  3. Understanding of when to calibrate
  4. All of the above
9.  Some of the negatives of Pattern Recognition include:
  1. Easy access to motors, increased possibility of unintended movements, recalibration is not needed
  2. Easy access to motors, increased possibility of unintended movements, recalibration is needed
  3. Easy access to motors, decreased possibility of unintended movements, recalibration is needed
  4. Difficulty accessing motors, increased possibility of unintended movements, recalibration is needed
10.  Some of the positives of Pattern Recognition include:
  1. Easy access to motors, more natural movements, can calibrate when control is not desired, and increased prosthetist time and delays to begin OT
  2. Easy access to motors, more unnatural movements, can calibrate when control is not desired, and decreased prosthetist time and begin OT sooner
  3. Easy access to motors, more natural movements, can calibrate when control is not desired, and decreased prosthetist time and begin OT sooner.
  4. None of the above