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Exam Preview

Aquatic Interventions for the Upper Quadrant

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1.  The ______________ of the water supports the weight of the upper extremities reducing the downward pull through the upper trapezius and levator scapulae reducing the compressive force in the cervical facet joints.
  1. Buoyancy
  2. Viscosity
  3. Hydrostatic pressure
  4. Warm temperature
2.  Your patient presents post-mastectomy with shoulder impingement and lymphedema in the right upper extremity. Aquatic therapy is indicated in order to utilize the _________ of the water to reduce lymphedema and allow improved quality of movement for forward and side reaching
  1. Buoyancy and drag forces
  2. Buoyancy and warm water
  3. Buoyancy and hydrostatic pressure
  4. Buoyancy and viscosity
3.  The goal for your patient is to increase postural control and thoracic spine extensor strength. Which of the following aquatic exercises would address this goal?
  1. Walking forward in chest deep water
  2. Walking backward in chest deep water
  3. Pectoral stretching with back along the noodle
  4. B and C
4.  Your patient has undergone a rotator cuff repair surgery 8 weeks ago and has been cleared for active assistive ROM. Which of the following aquatic exercises would be recommended at this point in the rehabilitation to improve active assistive mobility?
  1. Shoulder elevation and depression holding noodle down at the side
  2. Horizontal abduction/ adduction with neoprene gloves on hands
  3. Slow movements with focus on correct muscle activation
  4. Shoulder shrugs without equipment
5.  Which of the following exercises are recommended in addressing patients with secondary impingement to improve muscle balance?
  1. End range stretching of the posterior capsule (arm across the body)
  2. Isometric lower and mid trap holds with walking backward in the pool
  3. A and B are both correct
  4. None, only surgery can fix the bone spur
6.  Based on research which of the following statements are true?
  1. Thoracic spine mobility and position have no impact on neck and shoulder pain.
  2. Deep breathing exercises can improve thoracic spine mobility
  3. Thoracic spine mobility and position have no impact on neck and shoulder mobilty
  4. All of the above are true
7.  Based on research a slouch posture leads to_______________ compared to ideal alignment.
  1. Reduced arm elevation/ abduction by 23.6 +/- 10.7 degrees
  2. Reduced scapular posterior tilt with abduction
  3. Increased scapular posterior tilt with abduction
  4. A and B are correct
8.  You want to progress mid and lower trapezius strengthening while minimizing pectoral activation which of the following exercise would be recommended?
  1. Horizontal abduction/ adduction with slice forward on the adduction and thumb up for abduction
  2. Walking forward in water with arms out to side thumbs up, focus on keeping shoulder blades down and arms in the frontal plane
  3. Pool wall push ups
  4. Supine jumping jacks (“snow angels”)
9.  In order to achieve strengthening for the deep cervical flexors in the optimal head and shoulder position you should begin your water therapy session with __________.
  1. Active head nods with back against the wall
  2. Suboccipital and pectoral stretching
  3. Deep water running for cardiovascular warm up
  4. Trunk/ thoracic spine side bends
10.  Your patient is now able to perform 3 sets of 10 shoulder IR/ER with their arm at the side/ elbow at 90 degrees of flexion, without equipment at a slow pace without pain or excessive fatigue. Which of the following would be the next progression to increase resistance for internal and external rotation strengthening?
  1. Have the patient perform exercise with drag force bells
  2. Have the patient perform exercise with buoyancy dumbbells
  3. Have the patient perform the exercise at a faster rate
  4. Have the patient begin D2 PNF patterns with resistance gloves