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Exam Preview

Women's Health: An Introduction to Treating Bladder Disorders

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1.  The detrusor muscle is made up of the following type of muscle:
  1. Striated and smooth
  2. Smooth
  3. Striated
  4. None of the above
2.  Which of the following is a function of the pelvic floor?
  1. Supports organs
  2. Maintains storage
  3. Releases storage
  4. All of the above
3.  Stress incontinence is defined as the involuntary loss of urine:
  1. Due to hyperactivity of pelvic floor musculature
  2. With an increase in intra-abdominal pressure
  3. Due to an uninhibited contraction of the detrusor muscle
  4. Resulting from side effects of medication
4.  Urge incontinence is characterized by the following:
  1. Lack of awareness of urine leakage
  2. Small amounts of urine leakage with a rise in intra-abdominal pressure
  3. An uninhibited bladder muscle contraction
  4. Infrequent urination
5.  A cause of pelvic muscle weakness can be a result of:
  1. Childbirth
  2. Age
  3. Chronic constipation
  4. All of the above
6.  Common bladder irritants include ALL except:
  1. Caffeine
  2. Spicy foods
  3. Water
  4. Alcohol
7.  The doctor who discovered pelvic floor contractions can decrease incontinence episodes:
  1. Lubar
  2. Kegel
  3. Sterman
  4. Glazer
8.  An urge suppression technique is:
  1. Relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles
  2. Increased respiration rate
  3. A series of contractions of the pelvic floor muscles
  4. Jumping up and down
9.  Nocturia is:
  1. Urinary frequency
  2. Bedwetting
  3. Delayed onset of urination
  4. Waking up more than once a night to void
10.  How many hours of mentoring do you need to get BCIA Board Certified?
  1. 16
  2. 18
  3. 20
  4. 28