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Exam Preview

Sustaining the Well-Being of Healthcare Workers During Coronavirus

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1.  The following are stressors during quarantine EXCEPT:
  1. Plentiful supplies and staff support
  2. Insufficient information
  3. Fears about becoming infected
  4. Inadequate supplies
2.  A stressor following quarantine is:
  1. Financial loss
  2. Stigma from others
  3. Getting back to a normal routine
  4. All of the above
3.  Which of these is a strategy for managing stress while at work?
  1. Excessive intake of sweets and caffeine
  2. Work alone as your colleagues are the biggest source of stress
  3. Take brief relaxation/stress management breaks
  4. Complain about things you cannot change – venting helps everything
4.  Which of these are techniques you can use at work to manage stress?
  1. Progressive muscle relaxation
  2. Visualization
  3. Engaging your senses
  4. All of the above
5.  When “eating well,” which of these is NOT a viable strategy during time of quarantine/pandemic?
  1. Purchase shelf-stable and frozen foods
  2. Hit the drive thru and fast food as these are relatively inexpensive
  3. Pay attention to portion sizes
  4. Stay hydrated
6.  Which of these statements is TRUE regarding exercise?
  1. Exercise is critical for both mental and physical health.
  2. Options for physical health and wellbeing are significantly limited during time of crisis or pandemic.
  3. There are no feasible ways to incorporate exercise and movement into daily routine when routine is disrupted.
  4. Unless you are creative, there is nothing you can do to stay active.
7.  It is important to keep your immune system strong. Which activity is NOT recommended?
  1. Washing your hands
  2. Getting enough sleep
  3. Avoid going outside in your backyard
  4. Exercising and staying active
8.  For sleep, it is important to:
  1. Drink lots of caffeine
  2. Exercise close to bedtime
  3. Optimize the sleep environment
  4. Drink a glass of wine before bed
9.  What can managers do to help staff during this time?
  1. Show empathy and be available
  2. Recognize the impact of isolation
  3. Create a culture of calm
  4. All of the above
10.  According to the study by Barak et al. (2001), it is important to use trauma-informed supervision because it:
  1. Promotes staff retention and reduces turnover
  2. Reduces trauma
  3. Enhances worker well-being
  4. Facilitates best practice