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Exam Preview

Multisensory Stimulation Rooms for Persons with Dementia: Design on a Dime

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1.  Benefits of sensory stimulation include all but which of the following?
  1. Stimulation provided in a controlled way to be either stimulating or calming in their effects
  2. Limited and decreased interaction/communication between staff and residents
  3. Promote alertness
  4. Positive changes in mood and behavior for late-stage dementia
2.  Which of these is not a factor when designing a multi‐sensory space?
  1. Feeling comfortable and safe
  2. Meaningful and familiar
  3. Staff control the interaction in the space
  4. Age appropriate and usable
3.  When designing sensory spaces, which of these principles should one follow?
  1. Dramatic smells are helpful because seniors have diminished sense of smell
  2. The more sensory stimulation the better – you can never have enough
  3. Keep everything monochromatic – high contrast can be overstimulating
  4. Think through and be sure that each of the senses is represented
4.  Which of these does NOT represent the concept of meaningful and familiar surroundings?
  1. Using contrived, futuristic and very hi-tech sensory experiences to engage the resident
  2. Familiar, personal, appropriate experiences
  3. Making the experience relevant to the resident’s life and stage of dementia
  4. Using everyday objects to trigger memories/conversation
5.  Which of these statements is FALSE?
  1. Scent of citrus will help stimulate a resident and prepare him/her for meaningful engagement
  2. Textured objects like spiky balls can be stimulating
  3. Low level lights, quiet music, and smells of “home” (e.g., baking bread or cookies) are relaxing to a resident who is aggressive and can help prepare the person to engage in a therapy or activity session
  4. None- they are all true.