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Exam Preview

Spinal Cord Injury: The Changing Incidence and Prevalence

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1.  How many people are living with a spinal cord injury in the US?
  1. 17,900
  2. 59,000
  3. 153,000
  4. 296,000
2.  What is the most common cause of a spinal cord injury?
  1. Sports
  2. Vehicular
  3. Falls
  4. Violence
3.  Looking at the changing demographics of SCI, which of the following statements is TRUE?
  1. More females incur spinal cord injuries than males
  2. Hispanics have the most spinal cord injuries
  3. 16-30-year-olds incur the most spinal cord injuries but this number is declining
  4. 75+ are most at risk for a spinal cord injury
4.  What are the most common reasons for mortality in the SCI population?
  1. Pneumonia and septicemia
  2. Myocardial infarction and blood clots
  3. Cancer and autoimmune issues
  4. Muscle atrophy and decreased strength
5.  Which SCI clinical syndrome is also called a "walking quad"?
  1. Anterior cord syndrome
  2. Posterior cord syndrome
  3. Central cord syndrome
  4. Brown-Sequard syndrome