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Exam Preview

Qigong for Rehabilitation

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1.  What is Qigong?
  1. Cultivation of life force energy
  2. Slow, flowing movement matched with slow breathing
  3. Meditation in motion
  4. All of the above
2.  Which is a TRUE statement about Tai Chi and Qigong?
  1. Qigong cannot be practiced one movement at a time.
  2. Tai Chi is practiced as a sequence of choreographed movements.
  3. Qigong is a series of Tai Chi movements.
  4. Tai Chi is practiced one movement at a time.
3.  Ba Duan Jin means...
  1. One movement in sitting
  2. A form of Tai Chi
  3. Eight individual movements that are smooth and continuous
  4. Another word for horse stand
4.  For basic alignment, the horse stand includes ALL EXCEPT:
  1. Feet shoulder width apart
  2. Knees straight
  3. Tail bone tucked in
  4. Chin parallel to the ground
5.  The sitting mountain involves:
  1. Feet shoulder width apart
  2. Sit bones grounded on the chair
  3. Ninety-degree angle at the feet, knees, and the hips
  4. All of the above