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Exam Preview

Exploring Self Regulation With 3 To 5 Year Olds

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1.  How is self-regulation developed in the first years of life?
  1. Oral motor input
  2. Kind, supportive, nurturing relationships
  3. A connection with an adult based on needs
  4. All of the above
2.  Which of the following is NOT a sign of dysregulation/disinhibition?
  1. Fussiness
  2. Calm and alert
  3. Yelling
  4. Restlessness
3.  What early experience can affect self-reg ability later in the school years and even into adulthood?
  1. Neglect as an infant without comfort or soothing
  2. Skills and strategies for coping with frustration, neediness, or insecurity were not offered, taught, and modeled.
  3. A diagnosis such as ADHD, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, and Traumatic Brain Injury
  4. All of the above
4.  Which of the following is NOT a technique to model self-regulation to kids?
  1. Use scripts
  2. Provide routines
  3. Loose rules and reduced structure
  4. Talk out loud
5.  How many minutes can children in K-2nd focus on new content?
  1. 5-8 minutes
  2. 8-12 minutes
  3. 12-18 minutes
  4. 15-18 minutes