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Exam Preview

Joint Attention Based Interventions For Preschoolers With ASD

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1.  What is a TRUE statement about joint attention?
  1. It is any sort of nonverbal communication.
  2. It is a mutual interactive experience.
  3. It is an important multidimensional skill.
  4. All of the above
2.  What are the two main categories of joint attention?
  1. Response and spontaneous formation of a shared reference point
  2. Introduction and response
  3. Invitation and reply
  4. None of the above
3.  The Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) trains parents in what skill?
  1. Gaining the child's attention
  2. Motivating them
  3. Joint activity routines
  4. All of the above
4.  What does the RDI model stand for?
  1. Routine Daily Inventory
  2. Relationship Development Intervention
  3. Regular Development Inventory
  4. Relationship Differences Intervention
5.  Which is a joint attention strategy?
  1. Using only one item
  2. Not making exaggerated motions
  3. Using items that are preferred and engaging
  4. Use novel items each time