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Insights for the New Year

Christa Tober, M.S., OTR

Carl Sandberg’s words of wisdom are particularly relevant as we begin to make plans and set goals for the New Year ahead.

“Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.” 

It is a powerful reminder to articulate our priorities and consciously allocate our time to the areas that are most important in our lives.  In the absence of an overt awareness of our priorities, we are susceptible to setting unrealistic schedules and goals for ourselves which puts us at risk for burn-out and stress-related health conditions.  Most importantly, as OT’s, we must lead by example and empower our clients to take these same steps to facilitate participation in meaningful activities and greater life satisfaction.

One of our priorities at is to provide therapists with current professional development topics and the latest in evidence-based practice through weekly live webinars and unlimited access to a diverse and ever-growing library of on-demand courses.  By making professional development convenient, easily accessible and affordable, we hope to help OT’s develop routines and habits that integrate ongoing learning opportunities, while leaving plenty of time for family and hobbies. 

We have many great speakers scheduled to present live webinars in 2014.  You will find an up-to-date listing here.  This month, Dr. Rondalyn Whitney is presenting a three-part series on family quality of life; and next month, Dr. Becky von der Heyde will be presenting a three-part series on splinting.  If you are unable to attend the live webinars, watch for the recordings to show up in our library of over 300 on-demand courses!

We hope you enjoyed a memorable holiday season and the New Year brings abundant opportunities for personal growth and fulfillment. 

We will look forward to seeing you in our upcoming webinars!

Happy New Year and remember to spend your ‘coins of life’ wisely!

Your friend and colleague,

Christa Tober, MS, OTR

Managing Editor,

christa tober

Christa Tober, M.S., OTR

Christa received her Master of Science in Occupational Therapy from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. She has over ten years of clinical experience working in inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation, specializing in adult brain injury and pediatric movement disorders.  In addition, Christa worked as a research assistant and a teaching assistant in the OT Program at the University of Wisconsin and as an adjunct instructor at Madison Area Technical College in Madison, Wisconsin.  Christa had the privilege of serving as the editorial assistant for the American Journal of Occupational Therapy (AJOT) during Dr. Betty Hasselkus' term as editor. She also worked as the coordinating editor for the Journal of Applied Physiology.