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Exam Preview

Occupational Therapy Approach To Assessment And Intervention In Essential Tremor

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1.  The symptoms of essential tremor may include:
  1. Kinetic tremor
  2. Motor symptoms
  3. Non-motor symptoms
  4. All of the above
2.  Symptoms of essential tremor may impact which of the following ADLs or IADLs:
  1. Writing
  2. Eating
  3. Dressing
  4. All ADL and IADL tasks may be subject to impact from tremor
3.  Which of the following statements is true about the Physical Assessment of Self Care Skills (PASS)?
  1. A lower score indicates greater independence, safety, or adequacy
  2. Assesses the level of assistance needed and frequency of prompts.
  3. Is a self-report measure
  4. Therapist may not administer only tasks deemed relevant to client –the entire assessment must be performed
4.  Treatment and intervention strategies for individuals with essential tremor may include:
  1. Resistance training to promote a reduction in tremor
  2. Wellness strategies to promote management of tremor
  3. Use of compensatory strategies and aids to help promote independence in ADL and IADL tasks
  4. All of the above could be utilized in a plan of care for an individual with essential tremor
5.  A task-oriented approach to learning involves all EXCEPT:
  1. Selecting activities and tools for therapy from daily life
  2. Analyzing the person and environmental aspects of task performance
  3. Theraputty and cones
  4. Collaborating with the client to select meaningful functional tasks
6.  A non-motor symptom of Essential Tremor is:
  1. Depression
  2. Urogenital dysfunction
  3. Postural instability
  4. Ataxic gait
7.  The use of which adaptive utensil has been shown to eliminate tremor?
  1. Weighted utensil
  2. Large grip utensil
  3. Swivel utensil
  4. No specific utensil has been shown to eliminate tremors.
8.  The cited resistance training protocol suggests:
  1. 1 set of heavy loads, 1x per week
  2. 3 sets of moderately heavy loads, 2x per week
  3. 2 sets of light loads, 4x per week
  4. Use of an arm bike
9.  A positioning strategy for essential tremor is:
  1. Use of a mobile arm support
  2. Support of the affected arm on a surface or anchored to the body
  3. Strapping the opposite hand to prevent it from helping the affected arm
  4. Sitting away from the back of the chair
10.  The fatigue severity scale:
  1. Only measures the severity of fatigue but does not address the impact of fatigue on daily function
  2. Measures severity of fatigue and impact on function
  3. Is an objective measure of fatigue
  4. None of the above