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Exam Preview

Mental Health First Aid Awareness

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1.  Based on WHO, how many people in the world live with a mental illness?
  1. 1:2
  2. 1:4
  3. 1:8
  4. 1:16
2.  What is NOT a component of mental health literacy?
  1. Know how to refer to others as OTs do not provide support and first aid to others
  2. Recognition of problems and mental disorders in order to promote and facilitate help-seeking
  3. Knowledge of how to prevent mental disorders
  4. Knowledge and skills to provide support and first aid to others
3.  What is a specific aim of MHFA?
  1. Provide help to prevent the mental health problem from becoming more serious
  2. Provide comfort to a person with a mental health problem
  3. Promote recovery of good mental health
  4. All of the above
4.  Which of the following is NOT an action principle of the MHFA Action Plan?
  1. Approach the person, assess and assist with any crisis
  2. Listen and communicate non-judgmentally
  3. Give advice and set goals
  4. Encourage the person to get appropriate professional help
5.  How can MHFA interventions be integrated into OT practice?
  1. Helping people regain control when facing challenging situations
  2. Working with people to develop strategies to facilitate continued access to their occupations
  3. Ensuring patients’ education materials are readable and understandable
  4. All of the above