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Exam Preview

An Upper Extremity Primer: Assessing Motion and Strength

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1.  A method of assessing motion is:
  1. Observation
  2. Measurement
  3. Description of function
  4. All of the above
2.  All of the following are motions that are measured, EXCEPT:
  1. Active
  2. Edema
  3. Passive
  4. Functional
3.  When documenting motion, ASHT recommends a "+" sign be used for:
  1. Hyperextension
  2. Extension deficit
  3. Neutral position
  4. Arc of motion
4.  During the assessment of the elbow motion, it is important to watch for compensation at the:
  1. Trunk
  2. Wrist
  3. Shoulder
  4. All of the above
5.  For scoring for manual muscle testing, a "1" means:
  1. No activity
  2. There is trace movement that can be palpated or visibly seen.
  3. Full ROM gravity eliminated
  4. Full ROM against gravity

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