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Pediatric Case Study: Child with Oculomotor and Perceptual Challenges

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1.  Which of the following are the 4 components of Skeffington’s Model of Vision?
  1. Speech/Auditory, Anti-Gravity/Vestibular, Centering, Cognition
  2. Speech/Auditory, Anti-Gravity/Vestibular, Acuity, Perception
  3. Speech/Auditory, Anti-Gravity/Vestibular, Centering, Identification
  4. Speech/Auditory, Centering, Language, Cognition
2.  In the case introduction, which of the following school behaviors did Patrick display indicating a problem related to visual receptive skills in occupations?
  1. Unable to recall direction of “greater than” or “less than” symbol
  2. Lost place often during reading and used finger when reading
  3. Could not draw figures during art class
  4. Getting lost in the school
3.  Which of the following statements best indicate the effect of oculomotor skills on academic tasks?
  1. It will affect the ability to read
  2. It will affect copying from the board, books or computer
  3. It can affect taking tests
  4. All of the above
4.  Remediation approaches for the vestibular system and balance reactions should include:
  1. Righting reactions
  2. Equilibrium reactions
  3. Protective extension
  4. All of the above
5.  Which of the following statements is true regarding language and identification in Skeffington's Model?
  1. Improving VM skills and automaticity in motor learning improves reading and learning
  2. There is evidence that motor skills have nothing to do with reading development.
  3. There is evidence that motor skills only affect reading skills for children who have developmental dyslexia
  4. None of the above is a true statement.
6.  20/20/20 falls under which adaptive approach?
  1. Functional Learning Position
  2. Reducing Eye Strain
  3. Reading Options
  4. Eye Acuity
7.  The Harmon Distance, or the distance from your fist at your cheek to your elbow, falls under which adaptive approach?
  1. Functional Learning Position
  2. Reducing Eye Strain
  3. Reading Options
  4. Ergonomic Ideas
8.  A good evidence-based approach for reading is:
  1. A window/ruler
  2. Finger tracking
  3. Closed captioning
  4. All of the above
9.  What area serves as the "base" for later visual development?
  1. Pattern recognition
  2. Visual memory
  3. Oculomotor control, visual fields, and visual acuity
  4. Visual reception
10.  What is the goal in visual development or the top tier?
  1. Pattern recognition
  2. Adaptation through vision
  3. Scanning
  4. Attention, alert and attending

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