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Exam Preview

Screen-Time: Supporting Young Children and Their Families in the Digital Age

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1.  The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no screen-time for kids under 18 months of age, with an exception of:
  1. Educational apps
  2. Educational TV programs
  3. Video chat
  4. Video games
2.  The American Academy of Pediatrics also recommends how much educational screen-time for children older than 2 years?
  1. 1 hour/day
  2. 1-2 hours/day
  3. 3-4 hours/day
  4. Less than 1 hour a day
3.  A person who provides information about screen-time to less knowledgeable people could be referred to as a:
  1. Media mentor
  2. Screen-time supervisor
  3. TV trainer
  4. Screen scientist
4.  The four C’s stand for Content, Context, Child, and _________.
  1. Culture
  2. Caregiver
  3. Capabilities
  4. Caution
5.  According to population changes, on average, how much tv do adults aged 50-64 watch per week?
  1. 1-10 hours
  2. > 1 hour
  3. 20-30 hours
  4. 43+ hours
6.  Joint media engagement is more than co-viewing because:
  1. A caregiver actively engages with the child while watching together
  2. A caregiver watches their own media while the child watches something else
  3. A child is interacting with a caregiver through video chat
  4. A caregiver is interacting with another adult via video chat while a child watches
7.  For children 2-4 years of age, joint media engagement with a parent and a mobile device typically occurs:
  1. Half of the time
  2. All of the time
  3. Never
  4. One third of the time
8.  Before 6 months, infants:
  1. Identify familiar objects on a screen
  2. Label familiar objects on screen
  3. Understand almost nothing that they see or hear on a screen
  4. Understand narratives on screen
9.  Formal features include:
  1. Rapid pacing
  2. Background noise
  3. Visual and sound effects
  4. All of the above
10.  By this age, children are better able to transfer information between 2D media to their real lives (between dimensions).
  1. 18 months
  2. 36 months
  3. 6 months
  4. 60 months

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