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Gerontology And Aging CEU Courses for OTs

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20 Novel Aquatic Therapy Ideas for the Musculoskeletal Therapist: Part 2
Presented by Andrea Salzman, MS, PT
Course: #9597Level: Intermediate2 Hours
This course is designed for therapists working in aquatic environments, providing specialized training for safety and effectiveness. It addresses the tendency of even skilled providers to develop patterns when working with musculoskeletal patients in water. Join this course to break away from conventional approaches, fostering creative thinking and inspiration in the pool.

20 Novel Aquatic Therapy Ideas for the Musculoskeletal Therapist: Part 1
Presented by Andrea Salzman, MS, PT
Course: #9596Level: Intermediate2 Hours
Therapists who work in the pool need special training to be safe and effective in the aquatic realm. But sometimes, even the best providers fall into patterned behavior when working with musculoskeletal patients in water. This course will allow you to step outside the box and become inspired to think creatively in the pool.

Complex Case Studies For The Pelvic Health OTP
Presented by Tiffany Lee, OTR, OTD, MA, BCB-PMD, PRPC, LPF-CT
Live WebinarTue, Jul 30, 2024 at 12:00 pm EDT
Course: #6468Level: Advanced2 Hours
OTPs that treat pelvic floor disorders such as bladder and bowel incontinence, pelvic pain, and constipation are seeking treatment applications and practical strategies to treat clients with multiple symptoms. You will learn about diagnostic tests, interventions, and applications that will improve the quality of life of your clients who have complex histories.

Pain And Symptom Management For The Allied Health Professional
Presented by Susan Holmes-Walker, PhD, RN
Live WebinarTue, Aug 13, 2024 at 12:00 pm EDT
Course: #6476Level: Intermediate2 Hours
The different types of pain, the symptoms related to each category, and the challenges of treating chronic pain will be discussed in this course. Participants will increase their understanding of pain categories and learn non-pharmacological options to create an individualized, multimodal pain management plan.

Home Design For Aging In Place
Presented by Nishi Brahmbhatt, OTD-PP, MOTR/L, CAPS, CDP, & Realtor®
Course: #6436Level: Introductory1 Hour
The course aims to inform on the market segments for aging in place, types of design for aging in place, critical areas to assess in the home to facilitate aging in place, and home modifications that can be made to critical areas in the home.

Evaluating Adults’ Mental Health Needs: An Essential Feature Of OT Practice
Presented by Debora Davidson, PhD, OTR/L
Live WebinarThu, Aug 15, 2024 at 3:00 pm EDT
Course: #6386Level: Intermediate2 Hours
Screening and evaluating clients’ emotional, cognitive, and social performance is an essential skill set for occupational therapy practitioners working with adults across various practice settings. This course provides evidence-based, clinically useful tools and methods for assessing adult clients’ emotional, cognitive, and social abilities to design effective intervention plans, interact therapeutically, and make reasoned referrals.

OT In Mental Health: Understanding The Role Of The Occupational Therapy Practitioner
Presented by Cynthia Hoskins, DBH, MOT, OTR/L, CCTS-I
Course: #6398Level: Intermediate1.5 Hours
A general overview of the history of OT in mental health and practice indications. More specifically, this course will inform OTPs of common practice settings, the clinical presentation which includes common diagnoses, impairments, and impact on areas of occupation, different assessment tools and evidenced-based treatment interventions, and desired OT functional outcomes.

Supporting Respiratory Equipment on Wheelchair Bases
Presented by Michelle Lange, OTR/L, ABDA, ATP/SMS
Course: #9591Level: Introductory1 Hour
Many people who require respiratory equipment, such as oxygen and ventilators, use a wheeled mobility base. This course will address how to support respiratory equipment on an adaptive stroller, manual wheelchair, or power wheelchair safely and as a part of a team.

Beyond The Fear: Understanding And Addressing Fear Of Falling Avoidance Behavior
Presented by John V. Rider, PhD, MS, OTR/L, BCPR, MSCS, ATP
Live WebinarThu, Sep 19, 2024 at 3:00 pm EDT
Course: #6510Level: Introductory1 Hour
Key information on fear of falling avoidance behavior and the downstream biopsychosocial consequences will be provided in this introductory course. Participants will be able to distinguish between adaptive and maladaptive forms of fear of falling avoidance behavior and identify evidence-based assessments and interventions.

Palliative Care And Occupational Therapy: Our Unique Role
Presented by Heather Javaherian, OTD, OTR/L
Course: #6377Level: Introductory1 Hour
Palliative care and the role of occupational therapy will be discussed in this course. Interventions supported by research in occupational therapy will be described along with our distinct value in this area.

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